
Reflections from Belgrade workshop on teaching contested histories

By Contested Histories Admin

History teachers Stefania Gargioni (Belgium) and Emma Abbate (Italy) reflect on their recent participation as a team in the Monument(al) Challenges International Workshop, which was held in Belgrade from April 12 to 14. They share insights gathered from this educational experience. The recently concluded Monument(al) Challenges International Workshop in… Read More

A conversation with Lidija Županić Šuica on teaching contested histories in Serbia

By Contested Histories Initiative

Monument(al) Challenges is a EuroClio project collaboratively implemented with the Contested Histories Initiative, aiming to respond to some of the challenges educators across Europe face in teaching history. Raising sensitive historical issues in the classroom and their connection to monuments in public spaces can be a tricky task for teachers;… Read More

Teaching contested histories in Brazil: strategies and struggles to diversify the historical landscape of São Paulo

By Vinícius Borges Garcia Fonseca

Public Hearing with Ana Laura’s Collective Mandate and the Front in Defence of African Peoples and Communities at São Paulo’s State Legislative House. Picture taken on October 24, 2023. Available at: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cyw29A-tVCQ/?img_index=1. Interview conducted by Vinícius Borges Garcia Fonseca on May 11, 2023. DISCLAIMER: The following interview was conducted in… Read More

Mural to Gavrilo Princip in Belgrade

Contested Murals in Belgrade, Partizan[1], ”Grobarski Trash Romanticism” and the ”JNA group”

By Hana Šuica

Attitudes towards national history in Serbia represent an important aspect of everyone’s identity. It is understandable that historical and political figures stand out among the multitude of painted murals. They are increasingly present in public spaces, both on the facades of residential buildings and on public surfaces, such as communal… Read More

What’s in a Name?

By Anna-Kirstie Ross


Roman Rain Tree discusses on his campaign to rename the community of Squaw Valley (Now Yokuts Valley) Interview conducted by Anna-Kirstie Ross on March 24, 2023. The term ‘Squaw’ (hereafter Sq___) is widely considered as an offensive, derogatory, racist and misogynistic word used to refer to Native American women. In… Read More


What does It take to Remember the Alamo?

By Ngoc Tram Nguyen September 26, 2022


An interview with Kate Rogers, the Executive Director of Alamo Trust, Inc (ATI), the private 501(c)3 non-profit organisation in Texas that manages day-to-day operations and staff at the Alamo. Interview conducted by Ngoc Tram Nguyen, IHJR- EuroClio Research intern, Summer 2022; Harvard College Class of 2022 When Kate Rogers took… Read More

Introducing the New Contested Histories Branding

By Jade

Over the past few months, the Contested Histories team has been working with Carlos Marcelino to develop our new logo! We are over the moon with how it has turned out and it represents a crucial evolution for the Contested Histories project. In this post, we share our brainstorming,… Read More