
Stolpersteine dedicated to the Goldstein and Helbing families

Stumbling Stones in Munich


By Contested Histories Initiative

Stolpersteine or ‘stumbling stones’ are components of a project initiated by German artist Gunter Demnig in 1996 to commemorate victims of the Holocaust. The memorials, in the form of cobblestones installed in public streets, now number in the tens of thousands across Europe and beyond. However, they have also been… Read More

Khala Goda Statue in Mumbai, India

Khala Goda Statue in Mumbai


By Contested Histories Initiative

The Kala Ghoda (Black Horse) statue is a 16.7-foot-tall bronze statue in Mumbai, India, and a prominent relic of the country’s colonial era. The equestrian statue of King Edward VII became contentious during a period of rising nationalistic sentiments opposing symbols of imperial power in newly independent India. It was… Read More

Francisco Franco Statue in Melilla

Francisco Franco Statue in Melilla


By Contested Histories Initiative

The death of Francisco Franco in 1975 brought to close a painful era in Spanish History. In 2007 Spain enacted the Historical Memory Law, which formally condemns the Franco Regime and mandates the removal of public tributes to Franco. His statue in Melilla was one of the only remaining depictions… Read More

Statue of Lenin in Bishkek

Lenin Statue in Bishkek


By Contested Histories Initiative May, 2022

The Lenin Statue in Bishkek was erected in 1984, during the 60th anniversary of the Kyrgyz Soviet Socialist Republic. Shortly after the fall of communism in 1991, all Lenin statues were taken down. However, Bishkek’s Lenin stood in the same square until 2003. This year, the square was going to… Read More

Two statues of human figures against a background of the Kars mountains

Monument to Humanity in Kars


By Jade

The Monument to Humanity was a 30-metre statue that played a prominent role in the skyline of the city of Kars. In the wake of the 2011 Turkish General Election, the then-Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan paid a visit to the city of Kars and, during a campaign stop, declared… Read More

Statue of Cecil Rhodes sitting locaded on steps of the Univerity of Cape Town campus.

Cecil John Rhodes Statue at the University of Cape Town in Cape Town

South Africa

By Jade September 30, 2021

In 2015 the #Rhodesmustfall protests erupted at the University of Cape Town in South Africa. The resulting debate and movement soon spread globally, with similar protests occurring at the University of Oxford. This case study shows how protests over symbolic historical representations can draw wider attention to issues of structural… Read More