Educational Materials

A collection of Educational Materials geared towards critical thinking, understanding the complexities of historical memory, and navigating disputed historical narratives. The resources presented have been produced by Contested Histories projects, cooperating institutions and partners or selected by the team because of their excellent quality and innovative approach, methodology or topic. If you have suggestions or believe some essential toolkits are missing, please contact us at

Decolonising DMU Toolkit


By Decolonising DMU 2021

The toolkit is a work a progress and elements will be released as they are created, including: examples of good practice, FAQs, Narratives of staff experiences and a podcast series of discussions with colleagues and students. Topics will be centered around decolonising history and the curriculum. Read More

Decolonising the Curriculum Toolkit

By Contested Histories Admin 2021

A collaborative project involving students and staff at the University of Westminster and beyond. We understand decolonising as an on-going process that involves unravelling our assumptions about curricula, critically examining its content and forms, and imagining new ways of learning together. The project aims to provide students and staff with resources to begin thinking about and engaging in decolonising learning and teaching. Read More

Searching for Relief in Places of Pain

In-Situ and Place-Based Remembrance Education

By Again Never Again 2020

With this tool, you can explore the learning possibilities in the places that commemorate and memorize traumatic pasts, such as memorial sites and memorial centres, museums, landmarks or sometimes – empty spaces. Place-based or in-situ learning refers to forms of education where learners engage with places and spaces and when learning process takes places at the site itself. The role of emotions, sense and overall embodied experience play the central role. Read More

Lesson Plans

By Teaching Native American Histories 2019

A website in which the focus is on developing curriculum resources for the United States. Its extensive lesson plan list offers inspiration for new methods as well as content and versatile resources for history education. Read More

The Land

An Education Guide

By Native Land 2019

The Guide includes includes detailed instructions on how to use Native Land, as well as exercises for use by teachers of different levels, from kids to adults. The Guide discusses the pros and cons of the map itself, the importance of learning more about colonialism, and provides resources for teachers to learn more. Read More

Indigenous Ally Toolkit

Guide to Allyship

By Montreal Urban Aboriginal Community Strategy Network March 2019

A toolkit on how to be an ally in creating a positive & sustainable impact on the lives of Indigenous Peoples living in Montreal. Includes explanation on what the term “ally” means, and why is it used in this toolkit, as well as explanations of other relevant terms. Read More

Learning and Teaching Toolkit

For Programme and Module Convenors

By Decolonising SOAS at SOAS University of London 2018

The toolkit acts as a briefing for programme and module convenors, on what ‘decolonising’ learning and teaching might entail. At its root it is about making what we teach and how we teach it more responsive to the problems of colonial and racialised privilege and discrimination within our teaching practice. Read More

Digital Civics Toolkit

By MacArthur Research Network on Youth and Participatory Politics 2018

A collection of resources for educators to support youth to explore, recognize, and take seriously the civic potentials of digital life. The Digital Civics Toolkit is organized into a five distinct modules that each capture a key practice associated with digital civics: Participate, Investigate, Dialogue, Voice and Action. Read More

World Heritage Education Programme Brochure

By UNESCO 2013

The World Heritage Education Programme gives young people a chance to voice their concerns and to become involved in the protection of our common cultural and natural heritage. This brochure offers overview of the programme, its objectives and main activities. Read More

Using Their Words

Six Elements of Social Justice Curriculum Design for the Elementary Classroom

By Bree Picower 2012

Provides a framework of six elements of social justice curriculum design for elementary classrooms. The elements move from students learning self-love and knowledge about who they are and where they come from to learning respect for people different from themselves. Students explore social injustice, learn about social movements, raise awareness, and engage in activism. By addressing all six elements, students develop an analysis of oppression and tools to take action. The elements help teachers visualize social justice education by providing… Read More

Bangla Stories

Teaching Resources for Key Stage 3

By Anusree Biswas 2010

Lesson plans for teachers, youth workers and others that are interested in learning about Bangladeshi/Bengali culture and history of emigration to the United Kingdom. Read More